Audi’s giant strides in NSCDC

NSCDC Commandant Dr. Ahmed Audi

By Sunday Attah

Our shared humanity and a sense of sympathy and empathy for others is fast diminishing. Man’s inhumanity to man is ruthlessly expressed in a way that makes animals in the jungle preying on each other for food a plaything.

The descent into chaos and ill-feeling is difficult to understand, talk more of fathoming a way out. Leo Tolstoy said; “if you feel pain, you are alive, if you feel the pain of others, you’re a human being.”

This encapsulates the thrust of our purpose here on earth. We are, after all, supposed to be our brother’s keeper but man has deliberately invented killing machines and carelessly handed them over to people who are unfit to lead even their shadows.

There are a lot of people who literally do not feel pains or are deaf to the cries and blind to pains of others. It is therefore the duty of responsible governments all over the world to safeguard their people against those who take delight in inflicting pains on themselves and others. This is because the vulnerable civil populations of the world are always at the receiving end of all forms of cruelty and violence.

Nigeria as a nation has grappled with its fair share of insecurity and terror attacks. Defenseless civilians are being rounded and killed or bombed for no just cause. Not so long ago, Nigeria was worse than a war theatre with different forms of crisis ravaging her including terrorism, banditry, cattle rustling, kidnappings, vandalism, armed robbery and other assorted crimes.

While spirited efforts have been made to resolve the security malaise in Nigeria and safeguard civilian populations, little was actually done in terms of intelligence gathering and on the spot arrest and prosecution of criminal elements until the appointment of Dr. Ahmed Audi mni as the Commandant General of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC). Even though he is barely a year in office, the difference is clear and it is obvious that he is the best civil defender the country has ever had.

Immediately after taking over in February 2021, Dr. Audi prioritised intelligence gathering as the best approach towards curbing the multifaceted security situation in the country. Since these crimes and acts of insecurity take place in the society, getting information from those directly affected will surely assist in getting a true picture of what is going on.

In the course of his wholehearted service to the nation, he shockingly discovered that some security personnel were sharing intelligence with terrorists and other criminals. This demonstrates the height of man’s inhumanity to man. Those who commit these crimes are not fit to be parading themselves as human beings because they’re not capable of feeling others pains.

Before the appointment of Dr. Audi as the commandant general, there was hardly a week that went by without one incidence of school kidnappings. It was an embarrassment both locally and internationally as schools were closed in many parts of the country for fear of kidnappers. However, that’s a thing of the past as the new commandant launched the Safe School Campaign, a policy directive aimed at sensitising school children and management on proactive security measures.

The corps has also intensified security around all schools across the federation to ensure the safety of all. This is the first of its kind in the history of this country. Even students who were kidnapped prior to his administration have all  been safely returned to their families, thanks to the professional leadership of NSCDC under Audi. Nigerian students can now safely go to school and return home without any fear.

There is a saying that many people are insane but few are roaming the streets. The security situation in the country and the complicity of some security personnel points to insanity. The number one officer of the corps therefore deemed it necessary to conduct a psychological assessment of officers and men of the corps to determine who is fit or not. The gain of this exercise cannot be over emphasised as many security personnel have turned themselves to a nuisance and embarrassment to the corps and the society at large. This singular, unprecedented act has won the hearts of many Nigerians who see it as a step in the right direction.

No officer or personnel of NSCDC can be found wanting henceforth because those who failed the psychological assessment have undergone counseling and rehabilitation as the case might be. 

Whereas the President Muhammadu Buhari government is expending billions of dollars to build infrastructure, many unscrupulous elements have resorted to vandalism. The recent interception of a truck load of railway sleepers is not only criminal but unpatriotic. To destroy what is meant to bring succour to the masses is the worst form of inhumanity.

Luck, however, will continue to run out of criminal elements as the corps under Dr Audi is ever vigilant and ready to discharge its duties. Similar atrocities were being perpetrated against Power Holding Company of Nigeria and oil installations in the past but that is no more as the corps has clamped down mercilessly on criminal gangs.

Oil bunkering is now a thing of the past . Many thanks to the unwavering efforts of Audi who did not just put an end to it but ensured that those who are involved face the full wrath of the law to serve as a deterrent to others. Nigeria was robbed of more than 50% of her oil production capacity to bunkering. The commandant general waved the magic wand and oil theft and bunkering is greatly minimised. Now Nigeria is enjoying her oil wealth with conspicuous benefits for all to see. Nigerians are forever grateful and are looking forward to an extended term in office and more wins for the country.

As a highly commited and disciplined officer,  Dr Audi recently dismissed recalcitrant staff from the corps for varying degrees of infractions and misdemeanors. He has warned them sternly to stop parading themselves as officers and men of the corps as they do not have what it takes to be in the corps.

There is no place for hoodlums in the corps especially those who abandon their duties of safeguarding civil peace and take to crime.

It is, therefore, disheartening that some enemies of progress, men who are incapable of feeling the pain of others can actually accuse a man Nigerians are praising and urging him to do more. For a man who has been too busy repositioning the corps and drive productive, such empty attention seeking attempts will not distract him. Those peddling such rumours should desist as the corps has come out openly to defend the honourable gentleman as a fine and devoted commandant general who is unique and different from the myriad of half humans seeking to destroy  him. 

Dr. Audi is both alive and a human being because he has seen the pains of Nigerians through the mindless killings that characterised the country not so long ago and has himself experienced the pain of losing family and friends in the killings. Nigerians must, therefore, support this enviable leader who has done so much in so short a time.

Attah writes from Abuja