NANS presents award to Gov Badaru for educational development


The National Association of Nigerian Students NANS has presented an award of honor to the Executive Governor of Jigawa state Alhaji Mohammed Badaru Abubakar MON, mni for his achievements in Education.

Mr. Usman Barambu the National President of the Association who presented the award to the governor said the achievements recorded under the Badaru-led administration are remarkable.

He added that “among Nigerian governors, Governor Badaru stands out in the way he accords priority to education during his first and second tenure. This is why we are presenting this award to his excellency as a way to honor him for his achievements.”

Similarly, the association presented a birthday card to His Excellency the Executive Governor of Jigawa state Alhaji Mohammed Badaru Abubakar on his 60th birthday.

While responding, the Jigawa state governor Alhaji Mohammed Badaru Abubakar appreciates the members of the Association and the President who according to the governor is like a son to him.

He also advised the members of the association to focus more on their education and to change the narrative of students’ comradeship which has reduced the integrity of students’ unionism.