WEEKLY SERMON: Who Killed Husain, The Beloved Grandson Of The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)?, By Imam Murtadha Gusau


I Begin With The Name Of Allah, The Most Merciful, The One Who Bestows Mercy

Alhamdulillah. Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him and seek His Help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from our soul’s evils and our wrong doings. He whom Allah guides, no one can misguide; and he whom He misguides, no one can guide.

I bear witness that there is no god except Allah – alone without any partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.

O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad, just as You sent prayers upon Ibrahim and upon the followers of Ibrahim, verily you are full of praise and majesty. O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, just as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and upon the family of Ibrahim, verily, You are full of praise and majesty.

Dear Servants of Allah! It is well-known for the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah, may Allah have mercy on them, that Al-Husain Ibn Ali Bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, was killed on the day of Ashurah, the 10th of Muharram; this is what many scholars have stated, like Al-Waqidi, Abu Na’im, Al-Fadhl Ibn Dakin, Ibn Abu Shaibah, Khalifah Ibn Khayyat, Al-Bukhari [in At-Tarikh Al-Kabir], Ibn Asakir [in the history of Damascus], Ibn Abdul-Barr and Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi, may Allah have mercy on them. This is also the authoritative opinion of many late scholars like Adh-Dhahabi, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Hajar and others, may Allah have mercy on them. Some of them stated that Al-Hasan Ibn Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, was killed in the month of Safar; this is what Al-Waqidi reported from Muhammad Ibn Ka’ab Al-Quradhi, may Allah have mercy on them, and then refuted this saying: ‘It is confirmed that he was killed on the Day of Ashurah (10th Muharram).’ Al-Qurtubi, may Allah have mercy on him, reported that there is a consensus on this and said: ‘The scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, agreed in a consensus that he was killed on the Day of Ashurah (10th Muharram) in the year 61 AH.’

They stated that he travelled from Makkah to Kufah (in Iraq) on the 8th of Muharram. Based on this, he travelled the distance in one month and two days and not in less than a month as stated by some people; this is a sufficient period of time for travelling this distance.

My respected people! The Day of Ashurah (10th Muharram) is commemorated by the Shi’ah sect as a day of mourning for the death of Husain Ibn Ali Bin Abi Talib, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), at the Battle of Karbala. The commemoration of Husain Ibn Ali has become a national holiday to Shi’ah sect and different ethnic and religious communities participate in it. This commemoration is against the teachings of Islam that have been revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Respected Brothers and Sisters! In today’s Sermon I will sketch out some historical details which are based overwhelmingly upon Shi’ah sources and outline the build up to the oppressive and unjust murder of Husain, and then look at these Shi’ah sources to see who actually murdered Husain. These Shi’ah books include:

1. Al-Shi’ah wal-Ashurah of Ridha Husain Subh al-Husni.

2. Sirah al-A’immah al-Ithna Ashar, by Hashim Ma’ruf al-Husni.

3. Al-Majalis al-Fahkirah of Abd al-Husain Sharaf al-Din al-Mawsawi.

4. Maqtal Husain of Abd al-Razzaq al-Mawsawi al-Muqrim.

5. Muntaha al-Aamal of Abbas al-Qummi.

6. Ala Khattay al-Husain of Ahmad Rasim al-Nafis.

7. Al-Ihtijaj of al-Tabarsi and numerous others.

Dear Brothers and Sisters! After the death of Mu’awiyah (radiyallahu anhu) his son Yazid took power and he sent messengers from the seat of power (Sham) to the various lands requesting that the prominent people there come under his obedience and give him the pledge of allegiance (Bai’ah). Whilst the senior amongst the Companions came under his obedience, Imam Husain (and others such as Ibn al-Zubair) did not do so for their reasons.

* Promises Of The Shi’ah Of Kufah

The Shi’ah of Kufah would write to al-Husain whilst he was in Makkah asking him to come to them to lead them, promising that they would render him obedience. Al-Husain sent Muslim Bin Aqil to verify the matter in Kufah before embarking on his journey towards it.

* Pledge Of Allegiance (Bai’ah)

When Muslim Bin Aqil reached Kufah he was given a pledge of allegiance by 18,000 according to some and 40,000 by others (from Shi’ah sources). He was hosted by Hani Bin Urwah. Muslim Bin Aqil himself was apprehensive about this whole matter as he knew that these people had proven treacherous in the past (towards Ali Bin Abi Talib and al-Hasan) and are quick to change colour. At the same time al-Nu’man Bin Bashir was already in Kufah having been it’s governor on behalf of Mu’awiyah, and Yazid had retained him in that position. However, al-Nu’man, knowing of Muslim’s presence did not get involved or cause him any harm, and he did not wish to cause any divisions and hence, let this matter be. Al-Husain Leaves for Kufah. When this had taken place, Muslim wrote to al-Husain informing of what had transpired, and that the people of Kufah had united behind him, and that they were now waiting for him, and that 80,000 had given him the pledge of allegiance (Bai’ah). al-Husain then set off for Kufah, though he was advised by the senior Companions not to leave, and they include Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Ibn al-Zubair, Jabir Bin Abdullah, Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, Abdullah Bin Amr Bin al-Aas and also by his brother, Muhammad Bin al-Hanafiyyah who warned him of the treachery of the Shi’ah of Kufah towards his father and brother. Even after at the point of setting out on the journey, both Ibn Abbas and Muhammad Bin al-Hanafiyyah pleaded with him not to go. However, it was in the decree of Allah that he would remain firm upon his decision to leave. So he set out for Kufah.

* Desertion And Treachery Of The Shi’ah

Meanwhile, when Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad entered Kufah the Shi’ah who had pledged allegiance to Muslim Bin Aqil abandoned him until Muslim was left literally on his own. Muslim had in fact anticipated and feared this all along as he had known the dealings and history of these people with the Ahlul Bait previously. Muslim Bin Aqil, Hani Bin Urwah and Abdullah Bin Yaqtar were deserted by the Shi’ah and were captured and killed by Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad. The news of this reached al-Husain in a letter (sent by Muslim Bin Aqil before being killed) in which it was stated that the Shi’ah had abandoned and deserted them (Muslim Bin Aqil, Hani Bin Urwah) and that whoever wished to turn back may turn back without any blame upon him. As a result the people (who had come with al-Husain) began to depart and take to their own ways and their only remained with him his closest companions and his own household. This is mentioned by the Shi’ah in their works, from them Abbas al-Qummi, Abdul-Razzaq al-Mawsawi al-Muqrim, Baqir Sharif al-Qurashi, Ahmad Rasim al-Nafis, Fadhil Abbas al-Hayawi, Sharif al-Jawhari, Asad Haidar, Muhsin al-Husaini, Abdul-Hadi al-Salih, Ridha al-Qazwini and others. Arriving at Karbalah. Upon hearing of the desertion and treachery of the Shi’ah in Kufah, al-Husain stopped proceeding towards Kufah and moved in the direction of Sham, coming to Karbalah. In the beginning of Muharram of that year (61 AH), al-Husain arrived at Karbalah (in Iraq), and the Shi’ah of Kufah, after having deserted him, were stirring things against him. Al-Husain gathered those with him and his household and delivered a Sermon at Karbalah, and within it he reviled the Shi’ah, calling them “taghuts,” “throwers of the Book behind their backs,” “criminals,” “extinguishers of the Sunan,” “killers of the children of the Prophets,” “whose bellies are filled with haram” and so on. And this Sermon is documented in the Shi’ah works and its wording is agreed upon and cited by Ali Bin Musa Bin Tawus, Abdul-Razzaq al-Muqrim, Fadil Abbas al-Hayawi, Hadi al-Najafi, Hasan al-Saffar, Muhsin al-Amin, Abbas al-Qummi and many others. It is here we now arrive at the murder of al-Husain by the criminals.

* Ambush And Murder

Whilst he was in Karbalah there were discussions between him and Amr Bin Sa’ad (representing Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad) and al-Husain implored him with one of three things: (a) they take him to Yazid (whom he knew would not kill him) or (b) that he simply returns back to the Hijaz or (c) that they take him to one of the border regions of the Muslims where he will remain. But these were not accepted by Ubaidullah Bin Ziyad, and this eventually led to the battle at Karbala. Amr Bin Sa’ad led the contingent from Kufah with Shammar Bin Dhil-Jawshan and others (and they were all from the Shi’ah of Kufah) and they surrounded him. Because they were overwhelmed in number and power, al-Husain and those with him were killed, and the killer of al-Husain was Shammar Bin Dhil-Jawshan, from the Shi’ah of Kufah. Killed along with Husain were other sons of Ali Bin Abi Talib, from them (according to numerous Shi’ah authorities themselves) Abu Bakr Bin Ali, Umar Bin Ali, Uthman Bin Ali, and also Ali’s grandsons through al-Hasan, Abu Bakr Bin al-Hasan Bin Ali and Umar Bin al-Hasan bin Ali.

Respected Brothers and Sisters! Have you just noticed the names of those killed from Ahlul-Bait who were with al-Husain?! Then you will understand why the lying Shi’ah sect never mention their names when they tell their story of Karbala from the pulpit to an ignorant Shi’ah audience! This is because the common Shi’ah will realise that the Ahlul-Bait loved the three caliphs so much they named their own children with their names!

* Shi’ah Authorities And Historians On Who Murdered Al-Husain

Shi’ah authorities, historians and writers confirm that it was the Shi’ah of Kufah, after deserting al-Husain, and acting treacherously even though the pledge of allegiance they had given was still around their necks, came to kill him and take his family captive. The following quotes are all from Shi’ah authorities:

* The advice of Muhammad Bin al-Hanafiyyah, the brother of al-Husain, who said to al-Husain:

“O my brother, you already know the treachery of the people of Kufah towards your father and brother. And I fear that your affair will be the same as that of he who has already passed.” [See al-Malhuf of Ibn Tawus, page 39, Ashurah of al-Ihsa’i, page 115, al-Majalis al-Fakhirah of Abd al-Husain, page 75 and Muntaha al-Aamal of Abbas al-Qummi, vol. 1, page 454]

* The saying of al-Husain about the Shi’ah of Kufah:

“O Allah, judge between us and between a people who requested us to come to help us, but who then killed us.” [See Muntaha al-Aamal, of Abbas al-Qummi, vol. 1, page 535]

* The Shi’ah writer, Husain al-Kawrani writes:

“The people of Kufah did not suffice with splitting from Imam al-Husain, but the result of their changing their colours led to a third position which is that they began to prepare to depart to Karbalah in order to wage war against Imam al-Husain. And in Karbala they would hasten (racing each other) to take up their positions, those which pleased Shaitan and which anger al-Rahman (Allah). For example we find that Amr Bin al-Hajjaj who only yesterday was prominent in Kufah as if he was the guardian of the sanctuary of Ahlul-Bait, and a defender of them, and the one who led an army to save Hani Bin Urwah, went on to stomach (gulped) all of his apparent position(s) in order to accuse Imam al-Husain of exiting from the religion, let us reflect upon the following text: “And Amr Bin al-Hajjaj used to say to his companions, ‘Fight the one who exited from the religion and separated from the jama’ah (meaning al-Husain)…’.” [See Fi Rihab al-Karbala, page 60-61]

* And al-Kawrani also writes:

“And we find another stance indicating the hypocrisy of the people of Kufah, Abdullah Bin Hawzah al-Tamimi came in front of Imam al-Husain (alaihis salam) and shouted, “Is Husain amongst you?” Yet he was from the people of Kufah and only yesterday was he from the Shi’ah (party) of Ali (alaihis salam) and it is possible that he was from amongst those who wrote to Imam (al-Husain) or from the group of Shabath and others who wrote (to al-Husain from Kufah)… then he (comes and says) “O Husain, receive glad tidings of the Fire…”! [See Fi Rihab al-Karbala, page 61]

* Another Shi’ah author, Murtada Mutahhiri writes, answering the question he asks himself:

“How did the people of Kufah embark on fighting al-Husain (alaihis salam) despite their love of him and their sentimental attachment to him?: And the answer is the awe and fear which had taken root upon the people of Kufah in general since the time of Ziyad and Mu’awiyah, and which increased and grew to alarming proportions upon the arrival of Ubaidullah [Bin Ziyad] who upon arrival immediately killed Maitham al-Timar, Rashid, Muslim and Hani…” [See al-Malhamah al-Husainiyyah, vol. 3, page 47-48]

* The Shi’ah, Kadhim al-Ihsa’i al-Najafi says:

“The army that set out to wage war against Imam al-Husain (alaihis salam) were 300,000 (in number) all of them were from the people and Shi’ah of Kufah. There was not amongst them any Shami, Hijazi, Hindi, Bakistani, Sudani, Misri, or Afriqi. Rather, all of them were from the people of Kufah and they had gathered together from many diverse tribes.” [See Ashurah, page 89]

* The Shi’ah historian, Husain Bin Ahmad al-Baraq al-Najafi said:

“Al-Qazwini said: And from that which for which scorn was shown to the people of Kufah was that they reviled al-Hasan Bin Ali (alaihima as-salam), and killed al-Husain (alaihis salam) after they themselves had invited him (to be their leader).” [See Tarikh al-Kufah, page 113]

* The Shi’ah reference point, Ayatullah al-Udhma Muhsin al-Amin said:

“Then 20,000 from the people of Iraq who had given the pledge of allegiance to al-Husain acted treacherously to him, revolted against him whilst their pledge of allegiance was around their necks, and killed him.”

* Jawad Muhdithi said:

“And Imam al-Hasan was faced by them with treachery, and Muslim Bin Aqil was killed unjustly whilst in their midst and al-Husain was killed whilst languishing in Karbala, close to Kufah and at the hands of the army of Shi’ah of Kufah.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters! Numerous Shi’ah authorities, from their Sheikhs, quote from Ali Bin al-Husain Bin Ali bin Abi Talib (known as Zain al-Abidin) that he addressed the Shi’ah who deserted his father and killed him, reviling them, saying:

“O people, we implore you by Allah, do you know that you wrote to my father and you deceived him and you gave him the pledge, the covenant, and you killed him and deserted him? So may you perish for what you have sent forth for yourselves, and for your evil opinion. With which eye will you look towards the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa alihi wa sallam) when he says to you, “You killed my family, and you violated my sanctity, so you are not from me.” [See Al-Tabarsi in al-Ihtijaj, vol. 2, page 32, Ibn Tawus, in al-Malhuf, page 92, al-Amin in al-Lawa’ij al-Ashjan, page 158, Abbas al-Qummi in Muntaha al-Aamal, vol. 1, page 572, Husain Kawrani, in Fi Rihab al-Karbala, page 183, Abdul-Razzaq al-Muqrim in Maqtal Husain, page 317, Murtada Iyad in Maqtal Husain, page 87 and Ridha al-Qawzini in Tadhlim al-Zahra, page 262 and Abbas al-Qummi in Nafs al-Mahmum, page 360]

* When Ali Bin al-Husain Zainul-Abidin (rahimahullah) saw the people of Kufah mourning, wailing and crying, he rebuked them, saying:

“You mourn, wail and cry for us, so who are the ones who killed us?” [See Maqtal Husain, of Murtada Iyad, page 83, Tadhlim al-Zahra of al-Qazwini, page 257 and al-Malhuf of Ibn Tawus, page 86 and Nafs al-Mahmum of Abbas al-Qummi, page 357]

* In another narration that he was passing by them and he was ill and he said in a weak voice:

“Are you wailing and crying for us? Who are the ones who killed us?”
[Abbas al-Qummi, in Muntaha al-Aamal, vol. 1, page 570]

And in another narration he said:

“These people cry over us but who killed us other than them?” [See Al-Ihtijaj of al-Tabarsi, vol. 2 page 29]

* Shi’ah sources quoted Umm Kulthum Bint Ali (radiyallahu anhuma) as saying:

“O people of Kufah, disgrace upon you. What is with you that you deserted al-Husain and killed him and you plundered his wealth and inherited it, and you took his women as captives, and you caused him distress. May you perish and may you be annihilated… what burden have you carried upon your backs and which blood have you shed… you killed the best of men after the Prophet and mercy has been snatched from your hearts.” [See Nafs al-Mahmum, page 262, Maqtal Husain of al-Muqrim, page 316, Lawa’ij al-Ashjan, page 157 and others]

* One of the Shi’ah scholars, Asad Haidar quotes from Zainab Bint Ali Bin Abi Talib (radiyallahu anhuma), which is also mentioned by al-Tabarsi in al-Ihtijaj, vol. 2, page 29-30:

“To proceed, O people of Kufah, O people of deception, O people of treachery and desertion… your example is like she who spins (yarn) only to break it after its strength. Is there anything in you but bragging, amazement, rank hatred and lying… do you cry for my brother?! Yes, by Allah, cry much and laugh little, for you have been put to trial through its infamy… and how do you consider cheap the killing of the descendant of the Seal of the Prophethood.” [See Ma’al-Husain Fi Nahdatihi, page 295]

* Muhsin al-Amin al-Husaini al-Aamili says in his book “Fi Rihabi A’immah Ahlul-Bait”, vol. 1 page 9:

“Zahar Bin Qays, he participated in the [battles] of al-Jamal and Siffin with Ali (alaihis salam), and Shabath Bin Rub’i and Shammar Bin Dhil-Jawshan al-Diyabi also witnessed [the battle] of Siffin with him. Then they waged war against al-Husain (alaihis salam) on the day of Karbala, so it was an evil end (su’ul-khatimah) for them and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil end.”

* And in the book al-Irshad of the well-known and famous Shi’ah scholar, al-Shaykh al-Mufid, vol. 2, page 95-96 onwards mentions those who set out to fight and kill Husain:

“And Umar Bin Sa’ad arose that morning, and it was the day of Jumu’ah (Friday), and it is said it was Saturday and he mobilized his companions, and then set out with those people who were with him towards the direction of al-Husain (alaihis salam), and on his right was Amr Bin al-Haj, and on his left was Shammar Bin Dhil-Jawshan, and in charge of the horsemen was Urwah Bin Qays and in charge of the infantry was Shabath Bin Rub’i and he gave the flag to Duraid, his mawla.”

Then over the next twenty or so pages in the book, he gives an account of the fighting, culminating in the killing of al-Husain (radiyallahu anhu) by Shammar Bin Dhil-Jawshan.

Dear Brothers and Sisters! The sayings of Ahlul-Bait to the Shi’ah of Kufah, “You mourn, wail and cry over us, yet you are the ones who killed us” exposes the fraud, scam, sham and hypocrisy that underlies the religion of the Shi’ah sect which is based upon a ridiculous type of hatred and it is a sign of the lack of intelligence and of simple-mindedness (or otherwise a sign of the deranged maniac-like nature) of those who knowing full well that their own Shi’ah ancestry killed al-Husain (radiyallahu anhu), harbour the greatest of resentment and hatred towards those who do not share in their simpleton type understanding of history and do not share in their bloodthirsty type of rage, based upon a fake display of anger for the blood of al-Husain, for they (their Shi’ah ancestors) are the very people who killed al-Husain after deserting him and being treacherous to him. Then this fake mourning, wailing, lamenting and crying became one of the bid’ahs and bad innovations of the Shi’ah sect to this day of ours. Please refer to the great book “Man Qatala al-Husain” by Shaykh Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz (Cairo, Egypt) for further information.

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of all creation. May Allah extol the mention of the Prophet in the highest company of Angels and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, his Companions and all those who follow him diligently till the Day of Judgement.

This Jumu’ah Khutbah (Friday Sermon) was prepared for delivery today Friday, Muharram 11, 1440 AH (September 21, 2018), by Imam Murtadha Muhammad Gusau, the Chief Imam of Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’ah and the late Alhaji Abdurrahman Okene’s Mosques, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria. He can be reached via: gusaumurtada@gmail.com or +2348038289761.