Timothy Yerima: A tribute for my Boss


By: Bamanga Bello Kakara

John C. Maxwell, one of America’s most celebrated leadership experts, argued that a leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. Only a few people I came across fall into this category of leaders willing to inspire, guide, and empower others towards their career success.

Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima, the Managing Director of the Mambilla Beverages and Company Limited, is an exemplary leader and one who strengthen everyone’s capacity to live up to expectation. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have worked under someone like him.

The experience and excitement that comes with working with a great Boss are second to none. Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima was, and still is, a great manager who has, in both words and action, shown the value of persistence in making sure all official duties assigned are carried out accordingly.

As Managing Director, Mr. Yerima not only ensures that the goals and objectives of Mambilla Beverages Company are achieved but also initiated a reward system for incredible personal satisfaction to the general staff.

To Mr. Yerima, every staff of the Mambilla Beverages Company, no matter the rank, high or low, is a great asset and an important part of the Company’s future.

Personally, working under a Boss like Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima has been the best thing that happen to me. It was he who helped set the standard of excellence that I am now striving to emulate at my current place of work. This is an experience I wholeheartedly believe will be an integral part of me for the whole rest of my life.

Being the committed, focused, and result-oriented boss that he is, Mr. Yerima invested and improved heavily on the welfare of the general staff about three times in six years. This includes our physical work environment as well as other factors in and outside the workplace that affect our quality of life, health, mental wellbeing, and, in turn, our performance at work. Thus creating a conducive and enabling environment for us to thrive towards achieving the Mambilla Beverages Company’s key objectives.

As a leader who sees opportunities for advancement and growth in his employees, Mr. Yerima’s Mambilla Beverages Company promoted five (5) assistant Managers to substantial Managers, and over ten senior staff to assistance Managers, of which this humble writer, is among them.

In addition, over 20 subordinate staff were converted to junior staff, while about 100 casual workers got promoted to subordinate staff. Thus paving the path necessary for us to advance up the career ladder.

As the Company’s Managing Director, he worked tirelessly towards ensuring the retirement benefits of the staff were approved by the Board, as well as clearing all the entitlement of old workers which amounts to millions of naira.

Since he was appointed Managing Director of the Mambilla Beverages Company in early March 2017, Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima has contributed immensely to the overall development of the company’s infrastructure. He has facilitated the renovation of the Company’s clinic, which provides much better medical services to the general staff and the surrounding communities at an affordable cost. This is in addition to the renovation of the staff Quarters and the Company’s Guest House, which is unarguably an important achievement in the last five years.

I must admit that working under Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima from early 2017 until December 2021 is a dream come true. To me, it was more like going back to the classroom and learning new positive ideas. At the Mambilla Beverages Company, I have learned what teamwork is capable of achieving, and what height a company or an organization can conveniently attain if there’s a working synergy at all levels. This experience, alone, has been invaluable to my growth, both on personal and professional terms.

Bosses like Mr. Timothy Fanya Yerima, remain an example people like me will never stop looking up to. Today, it is my prayers, wishes, and hopes that all his wishes come true.

Kakara writes from Abuja and can be reached at basmanjasbello@gmail.com