By Aminu Halilu Tudunwada
The more arduous the route,the greater the satisfaction at journey’s ends they said. But ours is different that leaves a bitter pills to swallow ask average Nigerians are they happy with archetypal fire brigade governments policies at all levels ?
Guess the answer by yourself, i know you knew better than me. Our mumblings continue to whir daily due to the unplanned failed policies that keep on taking us back ,retrogressive and primitive moving at Tortoise speed in desert, like we are not in 21st century whereby the light speed train of development roaming across countries that planned and execute excellent polices with clear vision and mission via excellent leaders that are nationalists and have patriotic zeal development of their nations at heart.
From Asian tigers countries model Malaysia, Singapore, to Gulf nations of Unites Arab Emirates, Qatar, via our continent whereby Rwanda and Ethiopia excels and held head high in developmental glory.
What our leaders at the helm of public affairs lacks is coherent and leadership acumen to formulate developmental policies for this country ,hence the consequence is poor people anger at them.Always they are on a knee jerk decisions and policies that keep on backfiring as ‘HARAKIRI’.
Take into cognisant, the Corona Virus global pandemic, that is spreading like wildfire and causing worrisome for the already developed countries , if countries like United States , England, France , Italy , Spain and Germany lockdown their countries and declared state of emergency coupled with cry for help for the unprepared plague catastrophic who are we with our outdated dilapidated thirteen century medical policies and facilities ? It was only we in the twentieth century we are waiting for the pandemic to rush and build emergency centres equipped with medical facilities to cater for the best or worst , we are also the nation with all the capability that failed to networks the nation with quality roads while Germany with all the bombings by western Allies and Russian armies from eastern front , reigned on her cities still maintain and used over eighty years Nazi Germany, roads built by the third Reich regime of Adolf Hitler.
At the time that we sinks billions of dollars since the late eighties to get standard and permanent power, and gallivanting in between three to four thousand megawatts for over 180 million people and their industries , the two holy mosques of Makkah and Madinah , as of September 2015, boast and generated eighteen thousand six hundred and eighty megawatts ,according to Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) chief Ziyad Bin Muhammad Al Sheiha, what a failed policies we are operating.
We have well articulated and formulated polices that have been prefared very well, from War against Indiscipline (WAI) to Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) of military regimes of Gen Buhari and Babangida, down to Sani Abacha Family Support trust funds (FSTF) via Obasanjo , Small and medium enterprises devlopment agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) to Goodluck Jonathan Nigerian Industrial Revolution plan (NIRP) and APC led Muhammad Buhari various policies of Agriculture, Npower, Economic policies and power sector revolution we tend hit the rock and stockpile chaos , nepotism and reverberate impunity and corruptions in our development policies context.
Many Nigerians harbour doubt about future development of this nation due to the bad leadership or failed implemented policies , reminiscent of what dethroned and embattled Emir of Kano Muhammad Sunusi II, keep on preaching as Economist ,that if care is not taken policies that are yet to be focused on harnessing the huge potential of our population we may end off with boom and outsourcing the limited resources we have that can’t cater for us which is quite sure accurate , with rate of poverty that permeate our people due to the failure of reliable, better functional public services policies.
In situation like this we need a bolt from blue to spring and gave us hope with fresh air of happiness.At times when our saviours and political leaders reduced to or wore peripheral figure garments our hopes evaporate and melted to thin air , then is better to say we are on our own.But what’s the antidote ? The top priority is leadership willingness and self committed to the cause of serving the publics , coming with clear cut and blue print policies that are implementable and sustainable, needs of backlogs of actions to be taken and deliver.
From fixing Transports to water , power sector improving business climates ,and economic policies solve food security and other related problems policymaker should pay attentions to for robust economic growth and development.
Aminu Halilu Tudunwada, a journalist and Public affairs commentator based in Kano.
Can be reached via his email :ahalilu70@gmail.com
Contact :08033976354.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Sky Daily