By Usman Abdullahi Koli

Almost everyone wishes to help others out of their predicaments but not all are privileged to do so because even our fingers are not equal. Historically, there has never been a political singer that reigns with positive impacts to the lives of others like Dauda Kahutu popularly known as ‘Rarara’. Times without number, he picked candidates or personalities in different communities and showered encomiums over their kind gestures to the people, he sings not for money but primarily bringing to limelight the wonderful attitudes, philanthropic efforts, clairvoyant projects and past activities which eased hitherto hard circumstances.

Auspiciously, Rarara has effortlessly touched the lives of many from ordinary citizens in towns to those in villages, upcoming entertainers within and outside Kano, neglected politicians to be the center of attention and intelligently helped current State leadership escape the handiworks of political deceptions with timely counter-narratives. Recently, he did same that the present administration enjoyed upon others, the hands he held from the bewildering darkness to the light turned its back on him; forgetting his numerous sacrifices, threats and detainments if any all in their cause. A popular adage states that mouth of a rodent is far better than a human’s mouth that was fed but refused to appreciate.

Factually, Rarara was not the first that was betrayed and chased away from the State. One could not express contrary view or opinion despite the freedom granted to all by the constitution which is the supreme politico-legal document in the country. Consequently, many that just felicitated over private personal achievements of opponents, honest public servants and past political leaders ended up being sacked from the positions or offices they were steering. Democratically, elected government that has no opposition does as it wishes because no individual or group of people is there to checkmate and keep it to its heels.

One of the several qualities of a responsible leader is not forgetting the good done by others especially when they wrong him or her. It makes the person compare those positive and recent negative before making final decision upon such individual or groups. Thereby unforgivable attitudes are some of the norms and values of Hausa land. Anyone who distances himself or herself from them is devil in human flesh. It is a must that one day, one would be wronged in one way or the other, forgive, forget and give another chance to the doer not just cutting-off decades of relationship without second thought. Demolishing ones house would bring him many while spreading lies about him online or offline would make thousands of people trust him more.

Nobody amongst all human beings is born or created with perfection and therefore a gifted personality who used his time, resources and talent in disseminating the activities of present administration with his artistic prowess for years undoubtedly deserves better treatment. Furthermore, he is not like other Hausa singers that disrespect elders but target leaders and intelligently reminds them through songs on the promises they made during campaigns and the expectations of the masses from them. In summary, Rarara is like a gold cherished and adored by almost everyone. He stands out among his contemporaries. Throwing him away would be like losing gold while picking useless stones. Those that laughed over what trailed him would soon shed tears of blood as pause of a man is to target something big not giving-up.

Usman Abdullahi Koli, Writes from Bauchi State and can be reach via mernoukoli@gmail.com.