Our Prophet Has No Equal, By Bashir Ibrahim


In the name of Allah who clearly says: “We suffice you against the traducers’’, and peace and blessings of Allah be upon His chosen servant, our master whose justice, leadership and virtuousness remain memorable in the world. In Allah, I put my entire trust and from Him I seek assistance in putting my young pen into defending the insuperable honor of our beloved prophet Muhammad [Peace be Upon Him]. So, help me God.

For quite a number of times, the enemies of humanity and peaceful coexistence in different parts of the world have been pouring rains of insults, mock, abuse and contempt on the innocent and blessed personality of the prophet. Following this satanic path, comes the Controversial Yoruba tribal group named Afenifere and their barking dogs, Sahara Reporters with their deregretory Utterances and headlines respectively against the noble personality of our Prophet[Blessings of Allah be upon Him] by comparing His divinely ordained Hijra[migration] to that of a notorious criminal and fugitive, Sunday Ngboho who incites violence and terrorism in the country and tries to fly the coop, seeking for asylum outside the country.

The outrageous and sacrilegious utterances credited to a Yoruba cultural group[Afenifere] and published by an unethical online news outfit, Sahara is a deliberate and barbaric insult to islam and muslims. When I glimpsed the blasphemous headline framed by Sahara, I couldn’t help my breath for quite some minutes as my heart went an inch to a break before I recollect my shattered thoughts to defend an untouchable honor of our beloved prophet Muhammad[Peace be upon Him].

In a statement issued on Monday,26th July, 2021, by the National Publicity secretary of the group, Jare Ajayi, Afenifere had said that there was nothing wrong with this intention, saying :

“We recall that Moses had to be taken away from the prying eyes of Phoaroh and his agents in Egypt. Prophet Muhammad [SAW] too had to leave his hometown, Mecca for Medina in order to escape persecution. Thus, there is nothing wrong in Igboho seeking a respite first to reserve his life and perhaps to re-strategise.’’

The above statement by Afenifere and published by Sahara Reporters is too irreverent, provocative and skanky, and it displays raw ignorance and imbecility of this tribal group. The comparison is no more than an outrageous and inciteful spit which portrays both Afenifere and the envy-enveloped Sahara Reporters as uncivilized harebrained who load their heads with tribal barbarism. Let them know that the prophet’s insurmountable position as the most glorified prophets can never be humiliated, let alone be compared with one stupid buster who always holds his head high in arrogance in the name of Yoruba nation’s agitation.

Afenifere and Sahara Reporters must know that the noble prophet didn’t migrate to Medina for the fear of being persecuted, rather divinely ordained by Allah to migrate, while the notorious criminal [Igboho] ran away to escape justice for the treasonable felony he committed. However, the prophet [SAW] was kindheartedly and passionately welcome by people of Medina, while this Yoruba terrorist[Sunday Igboho] was molested and arrested and sent to police custody when he fled to Benin Republic, trying to smuggle his damn self to Germany for asylum.

Who is Afenifere or Igboho or the so called Sahara Reporters? Are they among those attention seekers who load their myopic brains with devilish barbarism or tribal hatred? Whatever they are, I don’t bloody care ! Let them know that prophet Muhammad [peace be upon Him] is a noble man who is loved and followed by billions of mankind, Jinns and the rest of living creature. His message embraces belief in all of the prophets and messengers, respecting and honoring them and defending them from all forms of defamation and character-assassination. Such mighty message has grossly preserved the history of prophets including Moses and Jesus who were the famous apostles of both Jews and Christians.

Let them know that Prophet Muhammad [SAW] is a man whose Nobel personality, justice, honor and leadership style, intellectualism and scholarship the world has never recorded. His love for peace brought many warring tribes and quarrelling societies to a lasting table of peace agreement, uniting several clans, tribes and communities across the globe. He is the best of mankind and the most distinguished personality whose nobility , honour and justice the world has never known. Neither has it known of a more complete and more comprehensive message than His, nor more just and merciful one……… “Wama arsalnaka illa rahmatan lil’alamiin” [We sent you not, but as mercy to entire creation]

Contrary to Afenifere’s outrageous comparison, the prophet of Islam never taught his followers terrorism or any act of violence nor did He teach any hate speech or tribal hatred in His entire life. But Afenifere and their felonious son have no more serious business than igniting violence, crimes and tribal hatred in the so called name of Yoruba Nation Agitation. Let them know that Islam is beyond their myopically tribal barbarism which they build their muddy and dusty noesis on!

Let it be clearly known that never did prophet Muhammad[SAW] nor His righteous caliphs did recruit misguided youth to terrorize the peace of nation, let alone enmassing sophisticated weapons to destabilize nation’s peaceful co-existence as it was found in the house of Sunday Igboho. Rasul [peace be upon Him] was sent as mercy to entire creation, to guide all creation to right path so as to to fulfil their spiritual duties of worshipping Allah, the Lord of all and the creator of the Universe.

And for the prophet’s good characters, many world scholars, writers and other reputable personalities, some of whom are not even muslims by faith, have made praising comments and recommendations on the life style of the prophet and His love for peace. One of these world writers is Caren Armstrong who wrote in her book, Muhammad: a biography of the prophet, as thus :

“ Muhammad spent most of his life trying to stop indiscriminate slaughter. Most importantly, Muhammad abjured violence and pursued daring and inspired policy on non-violence that was the culmination of his prophetic career. Far from being the father of jihad, Muhammad[peace be upon Him] was peace maker who risked his life and nearly lost his closest companions, because he was so determined to effect reconciliation with Mecca.’’

So, whoever ridicules or mocks the prophet in whatever means like Afenifere and the envious and irresponsible sahara Reporters should know that their hatred and envy for islam and peaceful coexistence of the nation cannot go even a step anywhere, and their malicious intents could not be achieved. And they should know that our prophet has no equal! We, therefore, say to these miscreants and their envious supporters: this is the case of the pot calling the kettle black!

At last, we call on the government to be monitoring every mainstream and online news outfit to avoid spreading libelous, blasphemous and inciteful comments for the peaceful co-existence of this nation which is very dearing to us.

May the blessings and salutations of Allah be upon our beloved prophet whose greatest wisdom is second to none in the whole world.

Bishir Ibrahim Funtua

Writes from Katsina
