Nigerian Festive Season, By Abuy Abba Akhuwa

Sincerely, I take no pleasure in saying this, but there has never been a more interesting time to be a Nigerian than during election season. A season of dog-whistling politicians to shine and rain heavenly promises on the electorates. Of course, the same rhetoric and strategic narratives being repeated every electioneering period.

The number of governors jostling for the senate seat in their districts have been redoubled. And if they succeed in this mission, the chamber will remain a permanent (nursing home) or I mean, retirement home for dozens of former governors to come after them.
Let’s not forget the sacred of this institution that serve as an oversight to the executive and the judiciary. A chamber made for progressives and committed individuals to oversee the affairs of the executives, represent the interest of their constituents and legislate bills – has been abused lately by folks who plundered the resources of their states and seeking lifetime immunity shield and relevancy in the political sphere.

It’s a public knowledge that most of the former governors serving in the senate are there on retirement purposes that comes with huge benefits to maintain their relevance in the political circle and as well their extravagance life-after-power lifestyles.
The #NotTooYoungtoRun campaigners are on their toes. They’re heavily investing their hard-earned resources purchasing forms of millions of Naira, daring the elites with bold ideas, innovative thinking and intellectual engagements. This is a huge development to our political stability, which gives room for youth to participate and prove their exuberances maturely.
From Borno to Kaduna, to the East and West, youths have demonstrated immense courage to vie for several positions in the upcoming election. Though it’s a fact that most of state governors have already penned down their successors and as well reserved other seats to their loyalists, that hasn’t discouraged the youth from daring the status quo. But, only time will tell if this youths were on this cause for the purpose of rebuilding and redefining our ethics and political values as a democratic society.
If we don’t put a halt to such people and bar them from political recycling, then we’ll end up with absentees that toy with the affairs of our nation. The integrity, dignity and the sacred of the senate and House is far beyond the level of abuse to the stature of the institution.
Sanity is must for the progress of a nation. And that start with a strong institutions manned by patriotic men and women of honor, integrity, dignity, and respect for the rule of law.
Malam Abuy Abba Akhuwa
International University of Africa,
Khartoum, Sudan.