Following the perpetual ASSU strikes, university students are generally perplexed by the nation’s failure to address various cases of welfarism among students and universities lecturers in Nigeria. These problems brought on by the Nigerian federal government undoubtedly contributed to the recent ASUU eight months nationwide strike, which was recently suspended. Government’s inability to give the university’s academic staff union much attention.
Universities in Nigeria may close if the Nigerian governmentfails to take the necessary action, according to ASUU in several letters and articles sent to the Government. The speakers’ foreknowledge was demonstrated by their usage of the phrase ‘collapse’.
The students in various universities in Nigeria can explain a lot of the difficulties and issues they encountered while studying there. Lack of reliable electricity for using the Internet, poor water quality, with some students even leaving the university to get water, which is ridiculous and dangerous, a lack of teaching resources and equipment, and the absence of good roads inside the university’s boundaries all contribute to the failure of students and even result in the loss of some students’ lives.
Living in such circumstances can have negative impacts on Nigerian youths in the nearest future. The government should save us from the perilous circumstances that lie ahead.
Government should be all the ways pay the necessary quotas to improve the deteriorating standard of the Nigerian Universities because of their pertinence in the youth development.
Abubakri Ganiyu writes from The department of Mass communication University of Maiduguri Borno State.