By Muhammad khalid Idris

As regard to the reactions that this 2020, 1st October, has generated, many young people are against the celebration, perhaps because those who were an eyewitnesses of the calamitous era that our ancestors passed through during the colonial dictatorship before the independence was imposed on us are very few alive, that’s why we see it unworthy of jubilation.

There’s one thing that most of our young people failed to realize about the celebration of independence, gaining freem after being a slave is one thing, and achieving things after being independent is also something itself – one shouldn’t be used to belittle another, they’re two different things.

The freedom of expression we enjoy on daily basis on various social media platforms is also a product of independence which paved the way for the country to establish the 1999 democratical ruling system, which in favor of it we say whatever we want today, if not, we would’ve been deprived this right of expression.

Also, this grievances we express in response to how the country is underdeveloped by incompetent politicians since after gaining independence, it’s because of the burden of expectation we put in the leaders since we’re the ones in the realm of affairs, but we had nothing like “hope” during the colonial era, for our people were commonly treated like animals.

I know that, lots of individuals are holding the opinion that this day shouldn’t be celebrated because of the sad realities on ground in Nigeria to the extent that things are getting deteriorated on social media platforms, but we should be taking things easily. Being aggressive wouldn’t take us anywhere. It’s an intellectual abuse to fight each other over an issue that could be solved on a dining table. It’s a simple intellectual differences.

You are free to complain about the current situation of the country, being rigid and hijacked by unscrupulous and selfish folks, but no one will dare to say that since the 1st October, 1960, nigeria had been on a wrong track, at least there things achieved in terms of political awareness, infrastructure, agricultural production, and transportational means’ rehabilitation amongst others, even if they’re not an achievements to you, to others are.

Although we aren’t where we supposed to reach, but gratefully we aren’t where we used to be. We’re still optimistic that things will change in nigeria. The independence itself is something that worths celebration, for if it wouldn’t haven’t been gained, nigerians would’ve still been helpless and hopeless under colonial masters.

Tribute to Alh. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Ɓalewa and the co-founding fathers for the unpriced sacrifice they made to make sure they leave a legacy and a habitable atmosphere for the countrymen.

Happy independence, Nigeria.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Sky Daily