Malle: Don’t call it a comeback


By Naseeru Taneemu Annuree

On Wednesday, 21 March 2018, during one of the House of Representatives plenary sessions a Bill for the Establishment of Federal University of Agriculture Jalingo was presented on the floor of the House for its reading, but very few noticed the seriousness of the man behind the Bill.
Dr. Aminu Ibrahim Malle, the then member representing the good people of Jalingo-Yorro-Zing in the House of Representatives and now Chief of Staff to the Deputy Speaker of the Green Chamber has, in what some pundits described as immortal impression, continued to surpass the line of expectations. That the Bill has successfully passed through the rigorous House screenings and debates points to three things; the quality and relevance of the Bill, the careful manner in which it was prepared and presented by its sponsor, and the understanding on the part of the honourable members of the Green Chamber on the significance of the Bill to national development.

It is not a surprise that when some legislators fail to secure a return to the National Assembly, their sponsored Bills too would vanish with them no matter how important the Bills are to national development. This is mostly due to the fact that they have departed with the will, the stamina, and the strength to push from outside for the passage of the Bills into Law.

For Dr. Aminu Ibrahim Malle it has been a different story. The Bill is not about him, but his country. Even when out of the National Assembly he continued to push the Bill to its second, third and eventually passage by the House of Representatives. The good news is, it’s now in the Senate for concurrence. The Bill numbered HB-1374 was among the few speedily passed Bills in the history of the House of Representatives.

Perhaps it could be because Dr. Malle, a trained educationalist himself, fully understands the illimitable opportunities a University of Agriculture can bring to his constituents, his state and Nigeria as a whole. This can only happen when a leader is not preoccupied with personal interests, but a genuine concern for the progress and wellbeing of his people. He has proven to be capable, dependable, and his availability to his people –is unhindered by protocol.
Throughout his eight years in the Green Chamber, he has made concrete efforts to improve the quality of life of his constituents. His projects are people-oriented projects which resulted in rapid progress in areas that matter most to the good people of Jalingo-Yorro-Zing Federal Constituency and the country in general. It’s no longer news that Dr. Aminu Ibrahim Malle hitherto a household name in Taraba, has remains very much an expert in cutting through leadership responsibilities.

To the good people of Jalingo/Yorro/Zing federal constituency, there has never been a better time to give a hundred percent support to Dr. Aminu Ibrahim Malle than now. He has clearly demonstrates unalloyed willingness to effectively serve his people in whatever capacity he can. Since joining partisan politics a little over twenty-three years ago, Dr. Malle still remains truthful and a beacon of light to his people. While in the Green Chamber he secured employment opportunities for his constituents. And now in another capacity outside elective office, the story has not changed.

One of the most distinctive leadership characteristics as manifested by Dr. Malle is his love for education. On personal level, he is inches closer to being a professor of Animal Health. On the other hand, he has been in the forefront of educational development of his people. For instance, during his eight-year stint at National Assembly, a large chunk of his constituency projects went the education sector. This resulted in nearly two hundred new classrooms built and a sizeable number were renovated.
It’s on record that there is not a single Ward out of thirty-one wards that Dr. Malle didn’t build a classroom or upgrade existing ones. From Wuro Sembe Ward to Mayo Gwoi Ward, from Pantisawa Ward to Sumbu Ward, and from Bitako Ward to Lamma Ward up to the remaining twenty-five wards his constituency projects still stands erected and strong. This is not surprising considering the undeniable fact that he always emphasize his projects base on their quality and durability.

Indeed, Dr. Malle has set a good example for young and aspiring leaders to follow. He is committed, passionate, and empathic. His honesty and integrity points to his sustained presence and relevance among his people.

The Supreme court ruling might have removed Dr. Malle from the Green Chamber but not from the warmth hearts of his people. People who have tested and trusted his leadership. As 2023 general elections draws closer, his public ratings keeps soaring higher, his goodwill defied sponsored cessation, and when he is finally return to the House of Representatives come 2023, don’t call it a comeback because to his people, he was never away!

Naseeru Taneemu Annuree, a freelance Journalist, writes from Jalingo and can be reached through

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