Letter to Mahmud, former Jigawa state deputy governor


By Adamu Muhammad Usman

Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having an opinion” —George Christopher Lichtenberg. (1742-1799) German writer
“Waste no time arguing what a good man should be, be one.” —Marcus Aurdius. 

There are individual differences but how I feel, how I think, how I perceive and the life experiences i undergo and religious injunctions I acquire and abide by cannot warrant or allow me to bite the fingers that fed me or break the ladder I used to climb to the top or violate the rule of ‘life’. I cannot destroy the house that I once lived. 

Alhaji Ahmed Mahmud, the former campaign DG of 2019  for Jigawa governor (Badaru’s second term), may have hit the bull’s eye in his analysis but we are however of the opinion that he should direct his oomph, plans, view or ardour towards re-orientating the Jigawa polity, especially in his interest and plan to be  the next Jigawa governor come 2023  instead of buck passing, which making some unwanted, misguided and unfortunate utterances that will disturb the peace of the state. To be candid, Ahmad has taken so many things in his  strides.

Excellency. Your position and  performance as Jigawa deputy governor (2007-2015)  brought you a lot of respect, praises and earned you a great honour but now, your controversial disposition and utterances have as well earned you a national attention which is bad for your political future.
What prompted me to make the above life and religious analysis is nothing but a statement or unguided utterances made by former Jigawa state deputy governor, Alhaji Ahmad Mahmud (Kulkuli) in an article published by Blueprint of Friday, February 19, 2021, page 11 authored by Alhaji Lawal Jet Kaugama.He quoted the former deputy governor as saying: “One of the most authentic attestations of Badaru’s unqualified love for the people was one given by the former deputy governor to Gov Sule Lamido and Director-General of the campaign for Badaru’s second term, Alh. Ahmad Mahmud”. He said, “When this government came in 2015, it found out that the previous administration had badly vandalised the psyche of the people such that impunity was the order of the day. Anything and everything goes during that regime. A lot of things were messy. In four years, Governor Badaru has changed all of that including the orientation of the people about things and governance.”

Alhaji Ahmad went further to also say, “I was commissioner for finance between 2000 and 2005. ‘(During Senator Alhaji Ibrahim Saminu Turaki) I know how the ministry was run. I have never in my life thought of getting a leader who is so prudent, so accountable like Badaru. Unlike before, this governor is a budget man. Everything and anything that the government must do must be documented, that is, it must be in the budget. If it is not in the budget, then, you won’t see him appending his signature.” — (former deputy governor) emphasis mine. 

For God’s sake, how can a number two citizen of a state be too low to make this kind of unguided utterance? The administration that you served, benefited and even sometimes you used to act as the first authority in given agenda, programme or policy making? 
To be candid no matter what, no matter how, no matter when and no matter why I can’t be too low, too cheap and too naive to he ungrateful to God for the favour he done unto me or be an ingrate and disrespectful to whom God used to make world of difference to me and made me what I am today.
Despite his decamping to the present APC led-administration which many view as “AGP” is not new in other parts of the country but in Jigawa was very strange but since 2015 a former deputy governor has become a pacesetter. One maybe curious to know the definition of of “AGP.” AGP simply means ‘All Government in Power’ all these AGPs think it is government that provides wealth, comfort, favour, privileges, sustenance, etc not God. Are they better off now? 

In the history of Nigerian politics, there was no governor that worked with his deputy for good consecutive eight years without any rancour, envy, hatred,  friction, quarrel, dispute or attempt of impeaching or removing his deputy  like Sule Lamido. This is because Lamido provided mutual working relationship,  good working environment and gave every Jigawa worker especially political office holder be it elected or appointed the free hand to operate without bitterness, intimidation, victimization, humiliation, deprivation, oppression and what have you. 
How on earth, the second in command will made these kind of unguided utterances simply because he has forgotten yesterday, not knowing or minding without yesterday there would have no today. 
I appeal to the former Jigawa state deputy governor, Alhaji Ahmed Mahmud, to control his tongue and mind his language when addressing or discussing issues, because the position he held as a deputy governor qualifies him to be a national figure not this abracadabra portfolios and because words can shape destiny and words make us wise or foolish, sad or joyful, cry or  laugh. Sir, please use your today for tomorrow, not today for today only 
Negative words have ruined many marriages, destroyed relationship, shattered dreams recoiled hopes, incarcerated potential and crippled destinies. Negative words have caused strife, dissensions, division, wars, misery, tears, and despair. Harsh words throb like bees and cut like the sharpest knife .Physical wounds can heal over a life time but damaging words can last a life time.

On the other hand, positive words have a way of bringing joy, happiness, progress and life because the positive or pleasant words are a honey comb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Watch your words, they become actions, action becomes habits, habit become character and character become destiny. Also any person that lives with critics, he learns to condemn, also If he or she lives with hostility, he or she learns to violence. Allah yakiyaye (God forbids). Ameen.
In line with our discussion, i have to remember Friendrich Nietzsche statement which he said; “What upsets me is not that you lied to me but that from now on, i can no longer believe you” while an English physician and a writer, Thomas Browne said “I could never divide myself from any man upon his judgement for not agreeing with me in that, from which perhaps within a few days i should dissent myself.” To this respect, we have to do more to achieve higher degree of piety and spiritual upliftment ,  in the same manner we are expected to become divinely blessed, morally refined and sincerely closer to God than ever before, because we have to have a mission for a greater Jigawa and a  better Nigeria, a nation of just and committed leaders, faithful religious leaders, honourable politicians, fair journalists, compassionate doctors, dedicated teachers, reliable civil servants and a country with just judges also with loyal army etc.
As for Lamido, it is blatant and very glaring that, Sule Lamido is a fulfilled personal by all standard and by all ratification. He helps and made world of difference to hundred of thousands if not millions. What we only need to thank God for his life and to pray to God Almighty to continue helping, protecting, guiding him. May He also bless what ever is his. 

O God, we seek refuge in you from oppressing others or being oppressed, from doing wrong a suffering and from committing an error a sin which you will not forgive. May God guide us aright. Ameen.

Adamu is a Media aide to (Dr.) Sule Lamido

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