A Coalation of Ulema and Islamic Organization in Kano State in a letter signed by its secretary, Dr. Kabir Dukawa has kicked against removal of Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil by a faction of Kano Ulema from his role as Chairman of Kano Council of Ulema.
Sheikh Khalil was reported to have been removed yesterday after a faction of ulema listed partisanship and insurbodination to Kano kano state successive governments among reason he’s removed.
However, on Tuesday the coalation distanced itself from the dicision.
The letter listed Qadiriyya leader Sheikh Qariballah Sheikh Nasiru Kabara, Tijjaniyya’s Sheikh Shehi Shehi Maihula, Dr. Muazzam Maibushira, and Imam ahlussunnah Sheikh Abdulwahab Abdullah, Dr. Bashir Aliyu Umar, Imam Nasir Muhammad Adam and host of others who assented to the letter and throw weight to Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil.