Internet connectivity triples in Africa amid rising cybercrime – AU


The African Continent is exhibiting one of the fastest growth rate in internet penetration worldwide with digital connectivity almost tripled in the last five years, the African Union (AU) revealed on Tuesday.
The pan African bloc, organising the first Africa forum on cyber-crime from October 16 to 18 in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, however, expressed concern over rising cybercrime amid the growth in information and communication technologies in the continent.
According to the AU, as Africa witnessed fastest growth in internet penetration during the past few years, governments and private sector entities in the continent have been experiencing an equally increasing trend of cyber attacks.
The first African forum on cybercrime is expected to focus on cybercrime policies and national legislations, with respect to regional and international standards and relevant implementation practices.
Large-scale theft of personal data, computer intrusions, bullying, harassment and other forms of cyber violence, sexual violence against children online, are among major human rights abuses that are pervasive in the continent in recent years, it noted.
Also, hate speech, xenophobia and racism online are contributing to radicalisation and violent extremism in Africa.
According to the AU, the forum would help in improving effectiveness and exchange of information regarding common challenges and tasks across the continent.