Fake News: Before you share News online consider the 5W’s 


By Muhammad Umar Shehu

We can help to stop harmful misinformation spreading online through the use of 5W’s. So check out this tips and take care Before you share information online. 

Before you share information online consider the 5W’s by doing so we be able to eradicate the level of fake news in our contemporary since fake news can be misleading information presented as news with the ettle of damaging a reputation of an individual or an entity. Although fake news are always been spread on social media since the advanced of Internet. 

The term “Fake News” does not have any standard definition. It applied liberally to any false information given out to the general public with the ettle of damaging one’s reputation or an entity. But through the use of the journalism term called the 5W’s we can be able to tackle the spread of fake news.

1.WHO. Considering the person that made the story is very paramount and important, on the other hand knowing the person spreading the information is also crucial. Is the person spreading the information on his social media handle have a good track record for accuracy? Knowing all this will make you trust the content you read online and this can help in tackling the spread of fake news because if your followers know you share fake news on your wall then, definitely you’ll lose them.

2.WHAT. what is the source of the information? Do the person spreading the information have a genuine source? Knowing this is important. Attribution of a news report is paramount I.e. knowing the source of an information you read online can make you distinguish between fake news and real information. Also knowing the kind of content you read online is also crucial and can help in reducing the spread of fake news. 

3.WHERE. Knowing where did the information come from is important. I.e. considering where the information come from can help in reducing the level of fake news online why because knowing the accurate place where an information come from is most to distinguish fake and real news.

4.WHY. Why am I sharing this? Knowing the reason you share information you saw online can help in reducing the level of fake news online. At first ask yourself why is this information being spread around? Is the information  worthy? Be specifically wary of information you believe online and know why it’s been spread around. Therefore, Some fake news sources target you with stories they think you’ll hope are true to get you to click and spread them. So be wary of such information. 

5.WHEN. When was it published? Knowing the accurate date of a publication can help you know weather the information you shared online is correct or it’s a fake news. Knowing how to distinguish between stale news and current news is important. When does this information am seeing start spreading?

With this snippet perception above we can be able to tackle the spread of fake news and false information in our contemporary. I stand to be corrected. 

Muhammad Umar Shehu 

Can be reached via 

Umarshehu887@gmail.com 08035794769