By Usman Abdullahi Koli
I may be right to say that the #EndSARS protest ignited the call to end the aged-long insecurity that has tilted the region towards underdevelopment. As a youth, I recall the provious warnings of some eminent Nigerians that youth unemployment is a timed bomb. It seems we are approaching the explosion.
Back to the Northern Nigeria, as a region with the highest population in the country, prominent politicians and globally recognised business tycoons, The North remains the epicenter of insurgency, tribalism, ethnic, socio-cultural crises. It also leads the top up as the region with unclear vision in terms of development.
To illustrate the aforesaid, the recent issue that has been trending for days– the #EndSARS protests which led to disbandment of the Federal Special Anti Robbery Squad across the country. It happened within a week or so when the youth in the southern part of the country trooped out in their large numbers to protest the police brutality. They voice against humiliation, extortion, harrassment and extra judicial killings way of civilian by the unit.
What took me by surprise is that, despite the daunting tasks we have and the challenges at hand, ranging from insecurity, immorality, inequality, unemployment among other major ones, the youth who are jobless and callous leaders who never for once thought of better future for youths felt nothing bad. Unfortunately, the clueless northerners started to think of ending Boko Haram insurgency in the north. Are we serious?
To be blunt, we are creating self inflicted problem, we put ahead regional and religious differences in everything we do, we always criticize our leaders arbitrarily, our traditional rulers are step upon. We turn things politically biased and eventually, when it turns out to be against us we put the blame of the misdoings to our leaders.
Moreover, in the north, despite having all it takes to be rich, the economic strength is best described as weak. We fail to respect the decision of our elders. Do you think with all these issues, the North will get it right soon?
We deliberately polarised ourselves which it’s not unconnected with why our leaders have no sympathy for us, some of our religious leaders preach hatred and enmity. What has come over us? Have we forgotten our ancient cultures and traditions?
These problems stop us from moving forward and we all contribute in one way or the other. But, our youth at a times want to be famous, for that we dump our own place and solidify with others, have they ever tried to support your motives after seeing you completely as an illiterate person? Did they ever storm the streets with posters tagged #EndKilling in Arewa? Did they ever respond to your request at effectively if they give a damn about such?
All these questions have one answer and it is NO!
These people are the first in abusing the system of governance when our people are at the helm of political offices but, we joined them to do so, have they ever supported us to against one of theirs? Did they ever emotionally mourn, cry, feel something with you talkless of being there for you?
In as much as the north wants to prevail to be like itself, we must reconsider our doings and undoings, learn to be together and forget any differences. Let our institutions be strong enough to support the good will of the masses and provide job opportunities and sensitisation. After government interventions, we have no resources to showcase, our well-to-do individuals need to invest more.
Lets have forums where elders will be monitoring to ascertain certain goals to end banditry and insurgency in a peaceful manner. We have all the resource persons, let’s utilize their talent.
We need to revive our cultures and traditions in order to actualise the dream envisioned by our forefathers. let all our politicians have respect for others and eschew throwing bad words all in the name of politics.
In conclusion, we should understand that their eagerness to be famous and rule people, is one of the most challenging issue of the North. Those elders you are seeing have gone through strict discipline, they are always being fair to their predicessors unlike our generation. are you ready to be disciplined like them?
If elders and political office holders can not resolve our problems, why not engage our academicians? Lets have a collective responsibility. Let’s review the manner of voting our political officers. Lets have a forum of check mating their responsibilties and ensure they deliver as expected.
We should learn from our mistakes now. A wake up call to AREWA
#EndNorth insurgency #EndNorth tribal and ethnic crises #EndNorth malignant.
Usman Abdullahi Koli, writes from Mass Communication Department, Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi. mernoukoli@gmail.com
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Sky Daily