Downstream Committee Chairman Tasks Colleagues

Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya

By Abba Dukawa

The chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Petroleum (Downstream), Hon. Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya, (APC, Kano) has called on members of his committee to brace up for the challenges ahead in their quest to carry out their legislative oversight.

He said the committee cannot afford to fail in its duty to effectively oversight all the agencies under its purview even though its daunting task ahead.

Hon. Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya stressed the need for transparency and accountability, as well as individual and collective support of all members to enable the committee to succeed in its assignment.

While listing the agencies under its oversight responsibility, the chairman again reminded members of the challenges of contending with unruly and condescending bureaucrats, adding that committee work also entails harmony and sincerity of purpose among members.

He assured colleagues that every member of the committee would be carried along in the discharge of the committee’s mandate with a view to achieving a collective and desired objective.

The chairman who congratulated his colleagues on their electoral victories noted that the downstream sector of the petroleum industry remains outstanding and pivotal to the survival of the common man, big as well as small scale businesses.

While committee members demonstrated a similar commitment to live up the standard established by the House leadership