Former Lagos governor and the national leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has lamented that it was difficult for him to wish Nigerians a Merry Christmas because of the ravaging Coronavirus.
Tinubu in a statement he personally signed Thursday said with the emergence of the coronavirus, 2020 has beenas a plane flying through turbulent skies, “a year that has raised challenges like no other year has. Yet, by the grace of God, we have persevered and shall continue to move forward.
“I end my remarks with this: it is difficult to say “MerryChristmas” because the moment which we now inhabitdoes not lend itself to merriment. However, I dearly wish each and every Nigerian a “Peaceful, Prosperous and Meaningful Christmas” and I pray that we act toward each other as Jesus instructed. If we can do this, we will emerge from the current turbulence a much better people, society and nation.”
While remembering those that have died in the year 2020, Tinubu urged Nigerians to allow kindness to reign during this period.
“More so than in most prior years, we are thankful for Christmas Day for the spirit and teachings of Jesus Christ provide a precious gift unto us. If we but use this gift wisely in our relationships with one another we shall emerge from this turbulent storm a better and more just nation, a more compassionate people with a more hopeful future.
“In normal times, Christmas offers Nigerians of all faiths an opportunity to gather with family and friends to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Unfortunately, I must beseech you to forgo such large gatherings this year for the sake of our collective health. In its essence,Christmas is a celebration of life and this year we best celebrate life by doing what we must do to protect ourselves and our loved ones from this terrible virus.
“Yet we also must take solace in the fact that nothing, not even this virus, can rob us of the spirit of Christmas and the hope and brotherly love it represents. Despite all that we have gone through, let kindness reign during this period. Let us place in our hearts and minds the commitment to be more tolerant and less judgmental of our fellow man.
“Let us put in our heart how we can help those who arewithout instead of blaming people for the situation inwhich they find themselves. Give those who currentlylack kindness not criticism; give them bread and meat,not bitterness and despair. COVID came to steal muchfrom us. But if we act in the spirit of Jesus, we shalldefeat this disease and the other ills it seeks to imposeon us.
“As the pressures of this year try to push us low, we must adhere to the teachings and manner of Jesus to uplift ourselves and this great nation. By doing so, we not only celebrate the birth of Jesus, we celebrate his life and the divine reason he came to live among us.”