Buhari and the visit of Theresa May of UK and Angela’s Germany for sharing universal values, By Abbati Bako

The reader should take note once again (I have said it several times) that political democracy has three key principles.
1. Has competing values
2. Interest
3. Ambition.
Any politician around the globe is acting on the above/said mentioned three principles. But it (all) depend upon his will on how his citizens and nation’s values are protected. That is maintaining the law and order, human right, fundamental freedom of nation’s citizens, equality and justice, freedom of association, protection of integrity and sovereignty of the nation; security of want, security of foods, employment, education, health, religious values, environment, social security and generally security of the people.

On the other hand, the nation’s interest especially on economy is paramount (not self interest or self enrichment) being that economy is the cornerstone of human life. If the nation’s and citizens economy is poor; there will never be peace and prosperity in that nation. The this week’s visit by two global leaders ; Theresa May of UK and that of Angel’s Germany many create opportunity for strength and enhancement economy for Nigeria. The two nation leaders are the forth (Germany) and the fifth (UK) global largest economies that accompanied investors to Nigeria for bilateral agreement with Nigerian leaders for economic investment. This will create opportunity for employment to Nigerian youths and more tax income for Nigerian Government.
If the leadership of a nation has no ambition (not leader’s self political ambition) and strategic plans on how to move the nation forward; economic depression/stagnation/aridity, corruption/looting and (generally) stagflation will rock that country and there will never be social security, stability, peace and economic prosperity. So, all the said political principles must have  leadership with political will, patriotism, integrity, honesty, sincerity, accountability, prudence, trust worthiness, positive interest and ambition to move the nation forward. And sharing of universal values via globalization policy; the example of two global leaders visiting Nigeria. Kudos to PMB.
Abbati Bako
No nation or leader (N/Korea, Cuba and Mia mar nations are good examples) around the world can achieve development, progress and economic prosperity without the cooperation of the other nations around the globe. The humans now exist in “global village”. The globalization policy is (also) based on three principles 1. integration of global economy 2. democratization 3. multiculturalism. Only very few nations are in isolation. Nigeria is not in isolation for global economic sharing paradigm.
The current Nigerian  President, Buhari, is ready and has the will to set Nigeria on the right path of development and economic prosperity. For example, without the cooperation and help of other nations; the Nigerian looted money will never be retrieve.
The issue of insecurity, electricity energy, clean environment, industrialization and generally social and economic prosperity will never be possible without the assistance and cooperation of other nations of the world; and a leader with political will, commitment and ready to lead.
So, Nigeria is expected to be one of the 30 economic emerging nations within the next few years.
May God save Nigeria.
Abbati Bako  (MA,bsis,PhD, Political Strategy and Communication Consultant)