By Muhammad Sagir Bauchi

Whenever the word “Education” is mentioned, the first thing that comes to our mind is Classroom. Most of the time, we tend to think of education in terms of teacher-pupils engagement in the classroom, but forget other social interactions that take place in school, which are the other components of education. 

Indeed, education is a processes which involves a number of activities carried out by different people.In a nutshell, we can cast education as a process of developing knowledge ability in a learner, in such a way that one uses that knowledge to improve himself, his environment and humanity.

Izalah (JIBWIS) is a religious organization not a creed, but an organization that comprises adherents of a particular religious CREED. Therefore, at times, their actions may stem from their capability as human beings. So, they can either be right or wrong.

The intention of this article is to capture what I viewed as their contribution towards the development of knowledge. Here, I am talking as a student that learnt his basic religious (Islamiyya and Tahfiz) knowledge from a religious school owned by this organisation and also had my Junior Secondary School Education under their school, I feel the need to express my opinion over what I perceived as their contribution toward knowledge and its development.

Presently, my relation with Izalah is that my parents and other relatives are members of this organization, but I, as a person: I am not its member. I have a lot of differences with the organization and the CREED majority of its members subscribed to. However, I am not here to discuss creed.

Allah (T) in His Glorious Qur’an in Suratul Ma’idah, enjoined us to be just in dealing with even those we have differences with, where He said, ” O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.” Therefore, as a Muslim who believes in all the sayings of Allah and His Messenger’s authentic Sunnah, I feel the need of being “Just” to them, despite that I’ve differences with the organization.

Izalah, as a body that accommodates millions of Salafiyya creed followers is not a new organisation to those that live from 1980s to date. The organization’s contributions toward the development of knowledge cannot be neglected or shove with a back hand, as all of us here in The North witnessed how Primary, secondary and tertiary schools under the organization are being operated.Under these schools, hundreds if not thousands of its schools graduates are today impacting the society in almost all the spheres of life. 

Those that study Education in tertiary Institutions are too familiar with a course, titled; PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. Among the Functions the Philosophy of Education serves are:- It serves as an analytical tool of function, thereby examining and striving to clarify an important educational issues, circumstances and problems.

Despite that, As-Salam Global University is initiated by Izala Organisation, the role this institution would play cannot be overemphasize.As stated above, the function of Philosophy of Education is to solve important issues, then the establishment and kick up of this university may likely pave a way for challenging the unfortunate ‘vices’ which are the current norms and values in the environs of conventional universities! In a nation where conventional universities serve as an avenue of advertising all sorts of ungodly creeds such as, atheism, cultism and indecent dressings which are the norms of the day, this proposed university could be used to eradicate or at least minimize these vices!

The second function of Philosophy of Education is ” Inspiration and Motivation:There is no society that has no core ideal it strives to attain. The core ideal of Northern Nigeria Society is a Sound Western Education free of indecent Western Cultures! Unfortunately, today, our brothers that went through such Western Education learning centres normalized adopting Western Cultures, rather than only acquiring the knowledge and avoid the assimilation of that foreign culture! But with the coming of As-Salam University, a qualitative Western Education could be given mixed with sound epistemology .

Some may think that, since the university is owned and operated by a certain Islamic-Religious Organization, then its main aim is to Islamize student’s minds! And if that is the case, it is not in conformity with the aims of Religious realist School, as they view the aim of Education as to bring man to knowledge of God and to obtain the salvation of his Soul. Thereby teaching moral and spiritual things through the education. And that will enhance the attainment of this aim!

Izala is not the only religious organization in Nigeria, almost all the religious creeds owns one or more organization under their banner, they all have some impact on education and its development, but that of Izalah is stepped at the right direction, in a circumstance where Northerners are in need of a more higher institutions that could inculcate religious morality and character on the upcoming generations.

One thing the Izala movement supersedes the rest is, its ability and know-how to romance the power holders, in a situation where some other sects have no fighting fighter than them. The students they trained are either with the power or has access to the power holders. They don’t distance themselves from the political tension of the country. They directly or indirectly engage themselves in it. That is why politicians can do anything to cater their demands in order to gain their votes. And if the rest of the faith-based organisations can do same, they can also benefit more.

Lastly, I will like to express my appreciation for this great effort and extend a simple advice to Jibwis, that it should try to come of with a reasonable and pragmatic tuition fee that is affordable to both the middle and lower class of the society, in order to make that institution accessible to majority of the populace.

Sagir writes from Bauchi and can be reached through:

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